Opal Episodes
In Opal a Patient may have one or many Episodes. An Episode contains some metadata such as a start and end date, and the type of episode. This may be an inpatient stay, an outpatient treatment, a telephone consultation - or any other arbitrarily defined period of care.
Episode Categories
An episode must have a related category. An Opal EpisodeCategory
is a discoverable
subclass of opal.core.episodes.EpisodeCategory
- such as InpatientEpisode
or LiaisonEpisode
You can access the current category of an episode via the category
property, while
it is represented in the database in the field category_name
which will contain
the display_name
attribute of the relevant category.
episode = patient.episode_set.first()
print episode.category
# <opal.core.episode.InpatientEpisode object>
print episode.category.display_name
# "Inpatient"
print episode.category_name
# "Inpatient"
Detail templates
The category of an episode determines which template will be used to display it
on the detail page for the patient. This template is determined by looking up
the detail_template
attribute of the EpisodeCategory
print episode.category
# <opal.core.episode.InpatientEpisode object>
print episode.category.detail_template
# detail/inpatient.html
Default Category
The default category of episodes in an Opal application is set by the OpalApplication object's default_episode_category property.
class Application(application.OpalApplication):
default_episode_category = MyCategory.display_name
Episode stages
An Episode will frequently consist of a number of possible stages. For instance, for an inpatient episode, a patient will first be an inpatient, and then an be discharged, with an optional interim follow up stage for inpatients who have been discharged but requrie further follow up.
Opal stores the stage of an episode as a string in the stage
property of an
. The valid possible stages for a category are accessed from the
method of the category.
# ['Inpatient', 'Followup', 'Discharged']
# True
Defining your own EpisodeCategory
As EpisodeCategory is a discoverable we can define our own to meet custom requirements.
Episode categories should be defined in a file named episode_categories
your application or plugin.
# yourapp/episode_categories.py
from opal.core import episodes
class DropInClinicEpisode(episodes.EpisodeCategory):
display_name = "Drop-in clinic"
detail_template = "detail/drop_in.html"