OPAL features a rich, self documenting set of open JSON APIs.

OPAL applications are generally simply a collection of Browser-based clients for these APIs.

OPAL uses Django Rest Framework to provide it's APIs.

You may examine the API of any running OPAL application by navigating to the url /api/v0.1/

Adding your own APIs

You can add your own APIs to the OPAL API namespace from plugins or by registering them directly with the router.

from rest_framework.viewsets import ViewSet
from rest_framework.response import Response
from opal.core.api import router

class PingViewSet(ViewSet):
    def list(self, request): return Response('pong')

router.register('ping', PingViewSet)


OPAL uses Django Rest Framework (DRF) to provide APIs. DRF ships with multiple authentication mechanisms which are highly configurable. By default, OPAL applications (e.g. created with the OPAL scaffolding) will enable Sesison and Token based authentication.

More details on DRF authentication are available in their excellent documentation.

Session Based

Session based authentication enables users logged in via the standard Django auth mechanism to use the API. This is what most OPAL applications in the browser will use.

Token Based

Token based authentication is targetted at other applications consuming the OPAL API, and requires the application to pass an API token as a header. These tokens must be associated with a Django user, and can be created in the Django Admin.

An example of a client using token based authentication is found in the OPALAPI project.