Core Clinical Archetypes

OPAL ships with a wide range of core clinical concepts implemented as Abstract Subrecords. Applications that are generated via the $ opal startproject command will automatically contain concrete implementations of these models in the application.

Common Metadata fields

All subrecords will contain the following fields, which are not repreated individually

Field Type Length
created_by FK User ID
created Date
updated_by FK User ID
update Date

The details of each individual archetype are set out below:

Patient Subrecords


Field Type Length
hospital_number Char 255
nhs_number Char 255
date_of_birth Date
place_of_birth FKorFT(Destination)
ethnicity FKorFT(Ethnicity)
surname Char 255
first_name Char 255
middle_name Char 255
sex FKorFT(Gender)


Field Type Length
drug FKorFT(Drug)
provisional Boolean
details Char 255

Episode Subrecords


Field Type Length
category Char 255
hospital Char 255
ward Char 255
bed Char 255


Field Type Length
drug FKorFT(Drug)
dose Char 255
route FKorFT(Drugroute)
start_date Date
end_date Date
frequency FKorFT(Drugfreq)


Field Type Length
condition FKorFT(Condition)
provisional Boolean
details Char 255
date_of_diagnosis Date


Field Type Length
condition FKorFT(Condition)
year Char 4
details Char 255


Field Type Length
symptoms ManyToMany(Symptom)
duration Char 255
details Text


Field Type Length
internal NullBoolean
referral_route FKorFT(ReferralOrganisation)
referral_name Char 255
date_of_referral Date
referral_team FKorFT(Speciality)
referral_reason FKorFT(ReferralReason)


Field Type Length
when Datetime
initials Char 255
reason_for_interaction FKorFT(Patient_consultation_reason_for_interaction)
discussion Text


Field Type Length
test Char 255
date_ordered Date
details Char 255
microscopy Char 255
organism Char 255
sensitive_antibiotics Char 255
resistant_antibiotics Char 255
result Char 255
igm Char 20
igg Char 20
vca_igm Char 20
vca_igg Char 20
ebna_igg Char 20
hbsag Char 20
anti_hbs Char 20
anti_hbcore_igm Char 20
anti_hbcore_igg Char 20
rpr Char 20
tppa Char 20
viral_load Char 20
parasitaemia Char 20
hsv Char 20
vzv Char 20
syphilis Char 20
c_difficile_antigen Char 20
c_difficile_toxin Char 20
species Char 20
hsv_1 Char 20
hsv_2 Char 20
enterovirus Char 20
cmv Char 20
ebv Char 20
influenza_a Char 20
influenza_b Char 20
parainfluenza Char 20
metapneumovirus Char 20
rsv Char 20
adenovirus Char 20
norovirus Char 20
rotavirus Char 20
giardia Char 20
entamoeba_histolytica Char 20
cryptosporidium Char 20