Working with Clinical Data in Angular
Opal provides a range of Angular services for working with clinical data on the front end.
The Episode Service
The Episode
Service will return an Episode object that represents an individual
episode of care, and provides various methods for interacting with both episodes and
var episode = new Episode(my_episode_data);
var editing = episode.makeCopy();
editing.start_date = new Date();;
The Item Service
The Item
Service returns Item objects that represent individual instances of
subrecords. They must be initialised with an episode and a schema representing
the available data fields for this subrecord type.
var diagnosis = new Item({}, episode, $rootScope.fields.diagnosis);
var editing = diagnosis.makeCopy();
editing.date_of_diagnosis = new Date();;
Subrecord CRUD modals
The Episode
service has a convenient API that allows you to open a modal to edit
a new or existing subrecord.
// -> Opens a modal with the diagnosis form and will create a new diagnosis on save
episode.recordEditor.editItem('diagnosis', 0);
// -> Opens a modal that allows the user to edit the first diagnosis
episode.recordEditor.deleteItem('diagnosis', 0);
// -> Prompts the user to confirm the deletion of the first diagnosis
Customising Subrecords
Sometimes our application will wish to customise a subrecord of a particular type - for instance to set default values. We do this by setting a custom record service.
First, we set the name of the service to use as a constructor for this record type as a property on the model.
# yourapp/
class Diagnosis(models.Diagnosis):
_angular_service = 'Diagnosis'
Next we must include the file with our new service in our application.
# yourapp/
class YourApp(application.OpalApplication):
javascripts = [..., 'js/diagnosis.js', ...]
Finally we define an Angular service which expects to be passed the record in order to set defaults.
// yourapp/static/js/diagnosis.js
angular.module('opal.records').factory('Diagnosis', function(){
return function(record){
if(!record.date_of_diagnosis){ record.date_of_diagnosis = moment()}
return record;