The Opal Command line tool
Opal ships with a helpful command line tool that helps with administrative tasks.
The opal
script should be on your system path if you installed Opal via or
pip. You can check whether it is available by running this command:
$ opal -v
startproject <name>
Creates a new Opal project.
This creates boilerplate and a default configuration for your new project, including creating a new underlying Django project, updating default settings to be compatible with Opal, creating directories and code boilerplate, and running initial migrations.
startplugin <name>
Creates boilerplate code, and directory structures for a new Opal plugin.
scaffold <appname>
Use with new record models.
Creates and runs automatic migrations, creates display and form (modal) templates.
Running with --dry-run
will run makemigrations with --dry-run
and print display
and form templates that would be generated.
test <what>
Run our tests suites.
Defaults to running both Python and Javascript tests.
If specified, will only run one specific kind of test.
$ opal test py $ opal test js
When running Python tests, the -t
or --test
option allows the user to specify a single
test module, case or method to run.
$ opal test py -t opal.tests.test_models
Ensure that all of our application plugins and packages are on the correct branch.
This is particularly useful when working on Opal itself, or when you have multiple
projects that use different versions of Opal or plugins. It will assume that github
based requirements will be installed in development via python develop
This command will parse your project's requirements.txt
, and then ensure that any
Github sources are checked out loclaly to the branch specified therein.