Writing Plugins
OPAL Plugins are Django apps on the server side, and collections of angular.js models for the client.
Getting started with your plugin
The OPAL commandline tool will bootstrap your plugin for you - just run:
$ opal startplugin yourcoolplugin
Adding Discoverable Functionality
A common pattern for plugins is to add functionality that other plugins or applications can use by inheriting a base class that you define in a file with a magic name. (In much the same way that Django provides models.)
For example, if you're creating an appointments plugin that helps people to book and schedule
appointments in clinics, you would create a base Clinic
class that can be subclassed to
create specific clinics.
class Clinic(opal.core.discoverable.DiscoverableFeature):
module_name = 'clinics'
We can then create clinics in any installed app, and they will be available from Clinic.list()
class OutpatientsClinic(Clinic):
name = 'Outpatients'
# Add your custom clnic functionality here e.g.
def book_appointment(self, date, patient):
# -> Generator including OutPatientsClinic
# -> OutpatientsClinic
Defining new flows
Plugins can define flows. They should return a dictionary of flows from the flows() method of the plugin class.
Adding URLS
Add an urls.py, then add to your plugin class as YourPlugin.urls
Naturally, these can point to views in your plugin!
Adding Javascript
add to static, then add to your plugin class as YourPlugin.javascripts
There are some restricted namespaces for these...
Adding APIs
OPAL uses Django Rest Framweork to provide APIs, and you may add to these from your plugin.
By convention, APIs live in yourplugin/api.py
. You are expected to provide a
subclass, which you then detail as the .apis
of your plugin.
# yourplugin/api.py
from rest_framework.viewsets import ViewSet
from rest_framework.response import Response
class PingViewSet(ViewSet):
def list(self, request): return Response('pong')
# yourplugin/__init__.py
from opal.core.plugins import OpalPlugin
from yourplugin import api
class YourPlugin(OpalPlugin):
apis = [
('ping', api.PingViewSet)
These APIs will then be available and self-documenting fom the standard OPAL url /api/v0.1/
Adding Actions to the sidebar
Actions can be added to the sidebar by setting the actions
attribute of your plugin.
Actions is expected to be an iterable of strings which are templates to be included in
the sidebar. By convention, actions will live in ./templates/actions/
# __init__.py:
class Plugin(OpalPlugin):
actions = ('actions/javascript_alert.html', 'actions/dummy_button.html')
And then in the template:
<p ng-show="episode.category == 'YourEpisodeCategory'">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="alert('Boom!')">
<i href="fa fa-warning"></i>
Adding dependencies globally to our angular modules
Dependencies listed in angular_module_deps
will be added to all Angular modules (as long as they
use the OPAL.module() API. If not, you're on your own. We could monkey patch angular.module, but we
won't for now.
Installing plugins
Add to installed apps Add to requirements if appropriate
Adding extra markup to the tag
Any templates you define in the property .head_extra will be included in the