Opal Reference material
The following reference guides are available:
| -|- opal.models.Episode| The central Episode model opal.models.Patient | The Patient model opal.models.Subrecord | for subrecords of Episodes or Patients opal.models.UserProfile | The Opal UserProfile model opal.models.* | Mixin helpers for useful functionality
Opal Core
| -|- opal.core.application | Opal Application objects| opal.core.detail|Detail Views - Custom views over one or many episodes.| opal.core.discoverable | Reusable feature groups for plugins and applications | opal.core.episodes|Episode Categories - Controlling the behaviour of different types of episode| opal.core.fields| Field helpers - custom field types and utility functions| opal.core.patient_lists|Patient Lists - defining different types of list| opal.core.log| Log Helpers - custom email error loggers opal.core.lookuplists | Utilities for working with lookuplists | opal.core.menus| Menus - declaring application menus opal.core.plugin| Plugins - defining plugins to package reusable functionality opal.core.schemas|Schemas - Dynamic columns for the table views| opal.core.serialization | Helpers for serializing and deserializing data opal.core.subrecords | Helpers for working with subrecords
Angular Services
| -|- Patient | Patient objects Episode | Episode objects Item | Subrecord objects User | User objects PatientSummary | Patient search result summaries Search Services | Services from the Search module| Loaders | JS Services that load in from patient list, episode and patient apis
Helper libraries
The forms Templatetag library | The building blocks for Opal forms
The panels Templatetag library | Rendering record panels
The menus Templatetag library | Rendering application menus
Javascript Helpers| Angular directives, filters and $rootScope methods
Utils module| The opal.utils
module - miscellaneous helpful python utilities
Opal core modules
| -|- Making Search Queries | Search query backends and helper functions Pathway|Simple or complicated multilayed forms|
Miscellaneous documentation
| -|- Settings | Opal settings| Changelog | Opal Changelog| Upgrading | Upgrading between Opal versions| Javascript dependencies| External javascript libraries available | Testing | Testing| Management commands| Django management commands|