
Helpers for serializing and deserializing data


Given a date, serialize it to a string using the settings.DATE_FORMAT

    as_date_str = serialize_date(datetime.date(2019, 4, 1))


Given a datetime, serialize it to a string using the settings.DATETIME_FORMAT

    as_datetime_str = serialize_datetime(datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 1, 10, 30))


Given a time, serialize it to a string using the settings.TIME_FORMAT

    as_datetime_str = serialize_time(datetime.time(10, 30))


Given a string which represents a date time, deserialize it to a Python datetime object using the first value of settings.DATETIME_INPUT_FORMATS.

as_datetime = deserialize_datetime('22/04/1959 21:20:22')


Given a string which represents a time, deserialize it to a Python time object using the first value of settings.TIME_INPUT_FORMATS.

as_time = deserialize_time('14:30:59')


Given a string which represents a date, deserialize it to a Python date object using the first value of settings.DATE_INPUT_FORMATS.

as_date = deserialize_date('22/04/1959')


A JSON serializer that will serialize the output of to_dict calls. This serializer uses date formats that can be understood by the Opal javascript applications.

import json

as_dict = episode.to_dict(user)
as_json = json.dumps(as_dict, cls=OpalSerializer)