Automated Testing

Built on top of Django and Angular, Opal applications have great support for automated testing.

Opal provides some utilities to make testing your application even easier.

Command Line test runner

The opal command line tool has a test command which will run unittests for both the server and client side components of your application.

Javascript testing

By default, we recommend using Jasmine and Karma to test your javascript code.

Of course you can use any test framework you choose, although Opal doesn't currently ship with helpers for any other frameworks.

Installing javascript testing tools

To installing Karma, Jasmine and Phantomjs in a local directory:

npm install jasmine-core karma karma-coverage karma-jasmine karma-phantomjs-launcher

Setting up the karma environment for your application

If you'd like to run karma tests, Opal ships with a function to give you a default karma config.

In your karma config just require('[[ path to opal ]]/config/karma_defaults.js')

The function takes in the files you want to include and runs karma tests on them.

// config/karma.config.js

module.exports = function(config){
  var opalPath = '../../opal';

  var karmaDefaults = require(opalPath + '/config/karma_defaults.js');
  var baseDir = __dirname + '/..';
  var includedFiles = [

  var defaultConfig = karmaDefaults(includedFiles, baseDir);

If run from opal test js, we set the path to opal as an env variable called OPAL_LOCATION

Test Coverage

The Opal test runner has a -c option which runs coverage reports for both Python and Javascript code:

opal test -c

Python test coverage uses the coverage tool and you may want to set include/excludes in a .coveragerc.

Javascript test files to be reported on should be passed as an extra argument to karmaDefaults:

  var coverageFiles = [
  var defaultConfig = karmaDefaults(includedFiles, baseDir, coverageFiles);

HTML test coverage reports will be output to the directory htmlcov and htmlcov/js at the root of your application.